我正在使用 Tapku 库在我的视图中添加日历。我遇到了语义问题
@implementation ViewController
我尝试在 TKCalendarMonthViewDataSource 下实现 calendarMonthView:marksFromDate:toDate: 但它成功编译然后关闭。
这是我尝试在 TKCalendarMonthView.h 中实现它的代码
@protocol TKCalendarMonthViewDataSource <NSObject>
- calendarMonthView:marksFromDate:toDate;
/** A data source that will correspond to marks for the calendar month grid for a particular month.
@param monthView The calendar month grid.
@param startDate The first date shown by the calendar month grid.
@param lastDate The last date shown by the calendar month grid.
@return Returns an array of NSNumber objects corresponding the number of days specified in the start and last day parameters. Each NSNumber variable will give a BOOL value that will be used to display a dot under the day.
- (NSArray*) calendarMonthView:(TKCalendarMonthView*)monthView marksFromDate:(NSDate*)startDate toDate:(NSDate*)lastDate;
知道如何解决它,或者我对 calendarMonthView:marksFromDate:toDate 的实现是否错误?