I am trying to implement a nested for using the reform gem. I have three models:
- Customer (belongs_to :personal_details)
- PersonalDetail (belongs_to :title)
- Title (has_many :PersonalDetail)
I am trying to create a CustomerForm using the reform gem using the following code:
class CustomerForm < Reform::Form
property :national_id
validates :national_id,
:presence => true
property :personal do
property :first_name
property :title
validates :first_name,
:presence => true
def new
@form = CustomerForm.new(Customer.new(personal: Personal.new))
= simple_form_for @form, :url => customers_path do |f|
= f.input :national_id
= f.simple_fields_for :personal do |builder|
= builder.input :first_name
= builder.association :title
= f.button :submit, "Submit"
The :title attribute will not receive any input during a form submission. The relationship between Title and PersonalDetail, is only used to populate a dropdown with a list of Title.name. If I try the above, I get an error message saying that no association :gender exists. When I try something similar using the standard Model based approach it works like a charm.
Any ideas? I have gone through the documentation a few times but simply can't see where I'm going wrong.