class Animal: NSObject {
// you should avoid using implicitly unwrapped optionals
// unless you absolutely have to for a specific reason that
// doesn’t appear to apply here (so remove the !s)
var name: String
var age: UInt
weak var spouse: Animal?
init(name: String, age: UInt) {
self.name = name
self.age = age
// to make something printable, you need to conform
// to the Printable protocol
extension Animal: Printable {
// And make description is a var rather than a function
override var description: String {
let spousal_status = spouse?.name ?? "None"
return "name=\(name) and age=\(age), spouse=\(spousal_status)"
let dog = Animal(name: "Lucky", age: 3)
let cat = Animal(name: "Branson", age: 4)
dog.spouse = cat
cat.spouse = dog
println(dog) // Prints name=Lucky and age=3, spouse=Branson
使用协议和 var 完全实现以避免此问题,否则您将获得默认实现,但仍会遇到此问题。
顺便说一句,Swift 风格约定是在, ->
, before等之间放置空格{
(事实上,如果不这样做,有时会导致编译问题)。虽然我发现后者有点难以阅读,但陪审团仍然在a: b