我可以为此烦恼几个小时,但仍然没有对一般 Matlab 签名处理有一个很好的格式塔视图。但这里有几条建议。
首先,采用自由放任的方法来验证输入类型。相信来电者。如果你真的想要强类型测试,你需要像 Java 这样的静态语言。尝试在 Matlab 中的每一个地方强制执行类型安全,你最终将有很大一部分 LOC 和执行时间专门用于运行时类型测试和用户空间中的强制,这以 Matlab 的大量功能和开发速度为代价. 我经过惨痛的教训才学到这个。
对于 API 签名(旨在从其他函数而不是从命令行调用的函数),请考虑使用单个 Args 参数而不是 varargin。然后它可以在多个参数之间传递,而无需将其转换为逗号分隔的 varargin 签名列表。正如 Jonas 所说,结构非常方便。结构和 n-by-2 {name,value;...} 单元之间还有一个很好的同构,您可以设置几个函数在函数内部将它们转换为它想要在内部使用的任何一个。
function example(args)
% Where args is a struct or {name,val;...} cell array
无论您使用 inputParser 还是像这些其他优秀示例一样滚动您自己的 name/val 解析器,都将其打包在一个单独的标准函数中,您将从具有 name/val 签名的函数顶部调用该函数。让它接受数据结构中便于写出的默认值列表,并且您的 arg 解析调用看起来有点像函数签名声明,这有助于提高可读性,并避免复制和粘贴样板代码。
function out = my_example_function(varargin)
%MY_EXAMPLE_FUNCTION Example function
% No type handling
args = parsemyargs(varargin, {
'Stations' {'ORD','SFO','LGA'}
'Reading' 'Min Temp'
'FromDate' '1/1/2000'
'ToDate' today
'Units' 'deg. C'
% With type handling
typed_args = parsemyargs(varargin, {
'Stations' {'ORD','SFO','LGA'} 'cellstr'
'Reading' 'Min Temp' []
'FromDate' '1/1/2000' 'datenum'
'ToDate' today 'datenum'
'Units' 'deg. C' []
fprintf('\nWith type handling:\n');
% And now in your function body, you just reference stuff like
% args.Stations
% args.FromDate
这是一个以这种方式实现名称/值解析的函数。您可以将其挖空并用 inputParser、您自己的类型约定等替换它。我认为 n-by-2 单元格约定使源代码可读性好;考虑保留它。在接收代码中处理结构通常更方便,但使用表达式和文字构造 n×2 单元更方便。(结构需要在每一行使用“,...”继续,并保护单元格值不扩展为非标量结构。)
function out = parsemyargs(args, defaults)
%PARSEMYARGS Arg parser helper
% out = parsemyargs(Args, Defaults)
% Parses name/value argument pairs.
% Args is what you pass your varargin in to. It may be
% ArgTypes is a list of argument names, default values, and optionally
% argument types for the inputs. It is an n-by-1, n-by-2 or n-by-3 cell in one
% of these forms forms:
% { Name; ... }
% { Name, DefaultValue; ... }
% { Name, DefaultValue, Type; ... }
% You may also pass a struct, which is converted to the first form, or a
% cell row vector containing name/value pairs as
% { Name,DefaultValue, Name,DefaultValue,... }
% Row vectors are only supported because it's unambiguous when the 2-d form
% has at most 3 columns. If there were more columns possible, I think you'd
% have to require the 2-d form because 4-element long vectors would be
% ambiguous as to whether they were on record, or two records with two
% columns omitted.
% Returns struct.
% This is slow - don't use name/value signatures functions that will called
% in tight loops.
args = structify(args);
defaults = parse_defaults(defaults);
% You could normalize case if you want to. I recommend you don't; it's a runtime cost
% and just one more potential source of inconsistency.
%[args,defaults] = normalize_case_somehow(args, defaults);
out = merge_args(args, defaults);
function out = parse_defaults(x)
%PARSE_DEFAULTS Parse the default arg spec structure
% Returns n-by-3 cellrec in form {Name,DefaultValue,Type;...}.
if isstruct(x)
if ~isscalar(x)
error('struct defaults must be scalar');
x = [fieldnames(s) struct2cell(s)];
if ~iscell(x)
error('invalid defaults');
% Allow {name,val, name,val,...} row vectors
% Does not work for the general case of >3 columns in the 2-d form!
if size(x,1) == 1 && size(x,2) > 3
x = reshape(x, [numel(x)/2 2]);
% Fill in omitted columns
if size(x,2) < 2
x(:,2) = {[]}; % Make everything default to value []
if size(x,2) < 3
x(:,3) = {[]}; % No default type conversion
out = x;
function out = structify(x)
%STRUCTIFY Convert a struct or name/value list or record list to struct
if isempty(x)
out = struct;
elseif iscell(x)
% Cells can be {name,val;...} or {name,val,...}
if (size(x,1) == 1) && size(x,2) > 2
% Reshape {name,val, name,val, ... } list to {name,val; ... }
x = reshape(x, [2 numel(x)/2]);
if size(x,2) ~= 2
error('Invalid args: cells must be n-by-2 {name,val;...} or vector {name,val,...} list');
% Convert {name,val, name,val, ...} list to struct
if ~iscellstr(x(:,1))
error('Invalid names in name/val argument list');
% Little trick for building structs from name/vals
% This protects cellstr arguments from expanding into nonscalar structs
x(:,2) = num2cell(x(:,2));
x = x';
x = x(:);
out = struct(x{:});
elseif isstruct(x)
if ~isscalar(x)
error('struct args must be scalar');
out = x;
function out = merge_args(args, defaults)
out = structify(defaults(:,[1 2]));
% Apply user arguments
% You could normalize case if you wanted, but I avoid it because it's a
% runtime cost and one more chance for inconsistency.
names = fieldnames(args);
for i = 1:numel(names)
out.(names{i}) = args.(names{i});
% Check and convert types
for i = 1:size(defaults,1)
[name,defaultVal,type] = defaults{i,:};
if ~isempty(type)
out.(name) = needa(type, out.(name), type);
function out = needa(type, value, name)
%NEEDA Check that a value is of a given type, and convert if needed
% out = needa(type, value)
% HACK to support common 'pseudotypes' that aren't real Matlab types
switch type
case 'cellstr'
isThatType = iscellstr(value);
case 'datenum'
isThatType = isnumeric(value);
isThatType = isa(value, type);
if isThatType
out = value;
% Here you can auto-convert if you're feeling brave. Assumes that the
% conversion constructor form of all type names works.
% Unfortunately this ends up with bad results if you try converting
% between string and number (you get Unicode encoding/decoding). Use
% at your discretion.
% If you don't want to try autoconverting, just throw an error instead,
% with:
% error('Argument %s must be a %s; got a %s', name, type, class(value));
out = feval(type, value);
catch err
error('Failed converting argument %s from %s to %s: %s',...
name, class(value), type, err.message);
不幸的是,字符串和日期数字不是 Matlab 中的一流类型。