我有一个 NSTextFieldCell 子类,在实现中只有这个代码:
- (NSRect)drawingRectForBounds:(NSRect)theRect
// Get the parent's idea of where we should draw
NSRect newRect = [super drawingRectForBounds:theRect];
// When the text field is being
// edited or selected, we have to turn off the magic because it screws up
// the configuration of the field editor. We sneak around this by
// intercepting selectWithFrame and editWithFrame and sneaking a
// reduced, centered rect in at the last minute.
if (mIsEditingOrSelecting == NO)
// Get our ideal size for current text
NSSize textSize = [self cellSizeForBounds:theRect];
// Center that in the proposed rect
float heightDelta = newRect.size.height - textSize.height;
if (heightDelta > 0)
newRect.size.height -= heightDelta;
newRect.origin.y += (heightDelta / 2);
return newRect;
此类用于将文本垂直居中在 NSTextField 上,但文本永远不会显示在界面构建器上。此类永远不会在界面生成器上呈现。为什么?