这是一个 caverphone 解释,虽然它捕获了级联规则方法,但请记住,caverphone 始终旨在作为自定义区域重音上下文的示例(尽管人们确实以通用方式使用它,因为它会产生不同的根据他们自己的区域对大多数其他人进行权衡),所以我建议a)获取数据源中的唯一字符以确保您正在处理它们,b)考虑更改与您正在使用的名称,并且 c) 考虑对区域口音组合进行建模 - 这是为了对 1800 年代后期/1900 年代初期新西兰的各种口音群体进行建模,以及他们可能错误转录彼此所说的话的方式.
caverphonise <- function(x) {
# Convert to lowercase
x <- tolower(x)
# Remove anything not A-Z
x <- gsub("[^a-z]", "", x)
# If the name starts with
## cough make it cou2f
x <- gsub("^cough", "cou2f", x)
## rough make it rou2f
x <- gsub("^rough", "rou2f", x)
## tough make it tou2f
x <- gsub("^tough", "tou2f", x)
## enough make it enou2f
x <- gsub("^enough", "enou2f", x)
## gn make it 2n
x <- gsub("^gn", "2n", x)
# If the name ends with
## mb make it m2
x <- gsub("mb$", "m2", x)
# Replace
## cq with 2q
x <- gsub("cq", "2q", x)
## ci with si
x <- gsub("ci", "si", x)
## ce with se
x <- gsub("ce", "se", x)
## cy with sy
x <- gsub("cy", "sy", x)
## tch with 2ch
x <- gsub("tch", "2ch", x)
## c with k
x <- gsub("c", "k", x)
## q with k
x <- gsub("q", "k", x)
## x with k
x <- gsub("x", "k", x)
## v with f
x <- gsub("v", "f", x)
## dg with 2g
x <- gsub("dg", "2g", x)
## tio with sio
x <- gsub("tio", "sio", x)
## tia with sia
x <- gsub("tia", "sia", x)
## d with t
x <- gsub("d", "t", x)
## ph with fh
x <- gsub("ph", "fh", x)
## b with p
x <- gsub("b", "p", x)
## sh with s2
x <- gsub("sh", "s2", x)
## z with s
x <- gsub("z", "s", x)
## any initial vowel with an A
x <- gsub("^[aeiou]", "A", x)
## all other vowels with a 3
x <- gsub("[aeiou]", "3", x)
## 3gh3 with 3kh3
x <- gsub("3gh3", "3kh3", x)
## gh with 22
x <- gsub("gh", "22", x)
## g with k
x <- gsub("g", "k", x)
## groups of the letter s with a S
x <- gsub("s+", "S", x)
## groups of the letter t with a T
x <- gsub("t+", "T", x)
## groups of the letter p with a P
x <- gsub("p+", "P", x)
## groups of the letter k with a K
x <- gsub("k+", "K", x)
## groups of the letter f with a F
x <- gsub("f+", "F", x)
## groups of the letter m with a M
x <- gsub("m+", "M", x)
## groups of the letter n with a N
x <- gsub("n+", "N", x)
## w3 with W3
x <- gsub("w3", "W3", x)
## wy with Wy
x <- gsub("wy", "Wy", x)
## wh3 with Wh3
x <- gsub("wh3", "Wh3", x)
## why with Why
x <- gsub("why", "Why", x)
## w with 2
x <- gsub("w", "2", x)
## any initial h with an A
x <- gsub("^h", "A", x)
## all other occurrences of h with a 2
x <- gsub("h", "2", x)
## r3 with R3
x <- gsub("r3", "R3", x)
## ry with Ry
x <- gsub("ry", "Ry", x)
## r with 2
x <- gsub("r", "2", x)
## l3 with L3
x <- gsub("l3", "L3", x)
## ly with Ly
x <- gsub("ly", "Ly", x)
## l with 2
x <- gsub("l", "2", x)
## j with y
x <- gsub("j", "y", x)
## y3 with Y3
x <- gsub("y3", "Y3", x)
## y with 2
x <- gsub("y", "2", x)
# remove all
## 2s
x <- gsub("2", "", x)
## 3s
x <- gsub("3", "", x)
# put six 1s on the end
x <- paste(x,"111111", sep="")
# take the first six characters as the code
unlist(lapply(x, FUN= function(x){paste((strsplit(x, "")[[1]])[1:6], collapse="")}))