到目前为止,我已经测试了几个页面,似乎无论我试图<CFHTMLHEAD>在 ColdFusion 11 中将 CSS 或 JavaScript 添加到 CFM 页面的何处,它都不会添加它(在 CF8 中工作正常)。

我在 SO 上阅读了有关在管理员 > 服务器设置 > 设置中从默认值 1024KB 增加“最大输出缓冲区大小”的信息,但是我尝试过的每个值(2048KB、4096KB,甚至是允许的最大值 999999KB)我得到了结果相同 - 页面加载时内容不包含在<HEAD>标签中。




<cfif NOT ThisTag.HasEndTag>
    <cfthrow message="Missing end tag for custom tag htmlhead." type="HeadWrap" />

<cfif ThisTag.ExecutionMode is "End">
    <cfhtmlhead text="#ThisTag.GeneratedContent#" />
    <cfset ThisTag.GeneratedContent = "" />


        Data Retrieval, validation, etc. here

        <style type="text/css">
            tr.status-RETIRED td {
                color: #800000;

            tr.status-PENDING td {
                color: #008000;
        <script type="text/javascript">


                $(".options-menu[data-sku='" + $(this).data("sku") + "']").show("fast");

    Custom Tag layout.cfm contains the DOCTYPE declaration, html, head (loads jquery, jquery-ui, css, etc.), and body tags with a header and footer for each page.
    <!--- Page Content Here (a form, a table, some divs, etc.) --->

1 回答 1


我发现在 CF11 中,在 cfcontent reset="true" 之前使用 cfhtmlhead 调用添加的任何内容都不会添加到结果文档中。您在 cf_htmlhead 之后调用的 cf_layout 标记是否包含内容重置?


<!--- This will not be added under CF11. --->
<cfhtmlhead text="<!-- I'm some content that will only be included in CF10 or lower. -->">

<cfcontent reset="true">

<!--- This will be added under CF11 and lower. --->
<cfhtmlhead text="<!-- I'm some content that will be added in CF11 and lower. -->">

... the rest of your view code ...

<!--- This is a sample of the content you will get under CF11 --->
<!doctype html>
   <meta charset="UTF-8" />
   <title>Head Testing</title>
      <!-- I'm some content that will be added in CF11 and lower. -->
      <h1>Page content</h1>
于 2015-01-23T00:35:05.037 回答