我正在使用customtile根据ajax调用制作图像列表,我看不到在进行ajax调用后处理的console.log ...
getTileUrl: function (level, x, y)
console.log("URL::->" + "http://s3.amazonaws.com/com.modestmaps.bluemarble/" + Math.max(0, level - 8) + "-r" + y + "-c" + x + ".jpg")
var data = { level: Math.max(0, level - 8), x: y, y: x };
apiGet(root + 'DeepZoom/image', data, function (json) {
console.log("count:->" + count++);
//based on json data show the green line for the shortest path for the start pole and end pole
console.log("Length:->" + json.length);
for (var i = 0; i < json.length; i++) {
return json[i];
//return "http://s3.amazonaws.com/com.modestmaps.bluemarble/" +
// Math.max(0, level - 8) + "-r" + y + "-c" + x + ".jpg";