I've updated a typo3 website from 4.5 to 6.2.9. Now the issues with old extensions are fixed. But now I'm facing an issue with real url extension [ver.1.12.8]. If it's disabled the front end is rendered with no issues. When the extension is enabled it shows this error

#1294587214: Configuration Error: 404 page "D:/Xampp/htdocs/project125/404-melding.html" could not be found.

Please help...


1 回答 1


It appears, that you have the following value in your LocalConfiguration.php

[FE][pageNotFound_handling] = READFILE:D:/Xampp/htdocs/project125/404-melding.html

With this configuration, TYPO3 handles a pageNotFound event by displaying the content of the file configured (in your case D:/Xampp/htdocs/project125/404-melding.html). When the file can not be found, TYPO3 throws an exception with the code #1294587214.

Try to check, if the configured 404 HTML page exists in your filesystem and if not, create it. For further debugging purposes you could also set pageNotFound_handling to "true" or "1" to show an error message instead of an individual 404-page.

Also make sure you clear all caches and also the RealURL encode/decode cache.

于 2014-12-30T11:52:15.120 回答