我正在尝试使用 Typeahead.js 过滤结果。我目前可以使用名为 activity_title 的字段过滤结果。这工作正常。

如何按第二个值过滤我的结果?在这种情况下,我只想选择具有特定活动级别值的结果。我需要在初始化预输入时设置它,而不是将其硬编码到 Bloodhound 初始化中(例如,我不想使用url: 'api/activity/&range=1,3'

我有以下可以远程访问的有效 JSON:

"meta": [
        "name": "activity_id",
        "table": "table",
        "max_length": 4
        "name": "activity_title",
        "table": "table",
        "max_length": 91
        "name": "activity_level",
        "table": "table",
        "max_length": 2
"detail": [
        "activity_id": "57",
        "activity_title": "Help old ladies to cross the road.",
        "activity_level": "2"
        "activity_id": "58",
        "activity_title": "Help mum with the washing up.",
        "activity_level": "3"
        "activity_id": "59",
        "activity_title": "Shine my shoes",
        "activity_level": "1"
        "activity_id": "60",
        "activity_title": "Put the bins out",
        "activity_level": "1"

我像这样设置了一个 Bloodhound 实例:

var activities = new Bloodhound({
   datumTokenizer: function (datum) {
       return Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace(datum.activity_title);
queryTokenizer: Bloodhound.tokenizers.whitespace,
prefetch: {
    url: '/api/activity/',
    filter: function(data) {
    return $.map(data['detail'], function(detail) {
        return {
            activity_id: detail.activity_id,
            activity_title: detail.activity_title,
            objective_level: detail.objective_level

我在键入时使用 Typeahead.js 来查找数据。

$( document ).on( "focus", ".typeahead-init", function() {

// + '&range=' + minimum + ',' + maximum
var minimum = $('#group-level-min-1').val();
var maximum = $('#group-level-max-1').val();

  highlight: true
  name: 'activity_title',
  displayKey: 'activity',
  source: activities.ttAdapter(),
  templates: {
    header: '<div class="header-name">Activities</div>',
    empty: [
      '<div class="empty-message">',
      'No activities match your search',
    suggestion: Handlebars.compile('<div class="typeahead-activity" id="typeahead-activity-{{activity_id}}"><strong>{{objective_level}}</strong> - {{activity_title}}</div>')
//info on binding selection at https://github.com/twitter/typeahead.js/issues/300
.bind('typeahead:selected', function(obj, datum, name) {      
    var target = $(this).closest('.activity-container');

        var activityId = datum['activity_id'];
        var url = '/api/activity/id/'+activityId;

        var raw_template = $('#activity-output').html();
          // Compile that into an handlebars template
          var template = Handlebars.compile(raw_template);
          // Fetch all data from server in JSON
              // Generate the HTML for each post
              var html = template(element);
              // Render the posts into the page


这是由 Stackoverflow 和其他人的几个答案拼凑而成的。非常感谢任何帮助。


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