我正在为我的应用程序使用 Spark 框架。
我有一个中间件,它检查(除其他外)正文是否为 JSON 格式:
// Middleware
before((req, res) -> {
// Method check
if (!req.requestMethod().equals("POST")) {
halt(403, "{\"result\":\"ERR\",\"errMsg\":\"Only POST allowed!\",\"code\":403}");
// JSON Check
JSONObject body_json = new JSONObject();
try {
body_json = new JSONObject(req.body());
} catch (JSONException e) {
halt(403, "{\"result\":\"ERR\",\"errMsg\":\"No valid JSON!\",\"code\":403}");
// At this point (end of middleware) the request body is still unchanged !
然后我有处理 POST 请求的正常功能:
post("/post_some_data", (req, res) -> {
String body = req.body() // This string is empty !!
int length = req.contentLength(); // This remain unchanged