我想使用 jasmine 的上下文,这样我就可以组织我的模拟返回的内容。这是一些伪代码来演示我想要做什么。我希望这两个期望都能通过:
describe('a module', function(){
var whatTheFunctionReturns;
module('anApp', function($provide){
$provide.value('aFactory', { aFunction: whatTheFunctionReturns })
describe('when the function returns alpha', function(){
whatTheFunctionReturns = 'alpha'
it('should get data from a service', function(){
expect(aFactory.aFunction).toEqual( 'alpha' )
describe('when the function returns beta', function(){
whatTheFunctionReturns = 'beta'
it('should get data from a service', function(){
expect(aFactory.aFunction).toEqual( 'beta' )
$provide.value('aFactory', { aFunction: whatTheFunctionReturns })
在 beforeEach 块中写入一次,但变量
在两个描述块中更改,when the function returns alpha
并且when the function returns beta
describe('firstController', function(){
var $rootScope, $scope, $controller
var message = 'I am message default'
$provide.value('ServiceData', { message: message})
$rootScope = _$rootScope_
$scope = $rootScope.$new()
$controller = _$controller_
$controller('firstController', { '$rootScope' : $rootScope, '$scope' : $scope })
describe('when message 1', function(){
message = 'I am message one'
it('should get data from a service', function(){
expect($scope.serviceData.message).toEqual( '1' ) // using wrong data so I can see what data is being returned in the error message
describe('when message 2', function(){
message = 'I am message two'
it('should get data from a service', function(){
expect($scope.serviceData.message).toEqual( '2' ) // using wrong data so I can see what data is being returned in the error message
Firefox 34.0.0 (Ubuntu) firstController when message 1 should get data from a service FAILED
Expected 'I am message default' to equal '1'.
Firefox 34.0.0 (Ubuntu) firstController when message 2 should get data from a service FAILED
Expected 'I am message one' to equal '2'.
它工作了一半。变量正在更新,但仅在最后一个描述块 ( 'when message 2'
) 中。这是我期望返回的内容:
Firefox 34.0.0 (Ubuntu) firstController when message 1 should get data from a service FAILED
Expected 'I am message one' to equal '1'.
Firefox 34.0.0 (Ubuntu) firstController when message 2 should get data from a service FAILED
Expected 'I am message two' to equal '2'.