justExpose :: Maybe a -> a
justExpose (Just x) = x
justExpose Nothing = -- an empty object of type a
import Data.Monoid
justExpose :: Monoid a => Maybe a -> a
justExpose (Just x) = x
justExpose Nothing = mempty
λ> let x = Nothing :: Maybe (Sum Int)
λ> justExpose x
Sum {getSum = 0}
λ> justExpose (Just [])
您要求的是许多其他语言中的“null”。Haskell 故意不提供这样的东西,因为它不安全。
justExpose :: Maybe a -> a
justExpose (Just x) = x
justExpose Nothing = undefined
但是如果你用 a 调用它,Nothing
更新:正如一些人所指出的,此功能由 提供Data.Maybe.fromJust
,您可以通过搜索hoogle来查找您的类型签名Maybe a -> a
The Maybe a
is the standard "type with empty value".
The way to extract that a
is to perform a case-split or (better) use a
fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a -- Defined in ‘Data.Maybe’
function, which is declared as
fromMaybe :: a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe def optional =
case optional of
Just value -> value
Nothing -> def
So, you just need to import Data.Maybe
and call fromMaybe
with an appropriate "empty object" of your choice (or what the task's domain requires there).
You can also leave it as Maybe a
or even start to work in the Maybe
monad, if you have many a -> Maybe b
actions in the domain; the question here is the reason behind your "How do I...".