我们有一个接收消息并由应用程序处理的 MSMQ 队列设置。我们想让另一个进程订阅队列,然后读取消息并记录它的内容。
我已经有了这个,问题是它一直在偷看队列。运行时服务器上的 CPU 约为 40%。mqsvc.exe 以 30% 运行,此应用以 10% 运行。我宁愿有一些东西只是等待消息进来,得到它的通知,然后记录它而不不断地轮询服务器。
Dim lastid As String
Dim objQueue As MessageQueue
Dim strQueueName As String
Public Sub Main()
objQueue = New MessageQueue(strQueueName, QueueAccessMode.SendAndReceive)
Dim propertyFilter As New MessagePropertyFilter
propertyFilter.ArrivedTime = True
propertyFilter.Body = True
propertyFilter.Id = True
propertyFilter.LookupId = True
objQueue.MessageReadPropertyFilter = propertyFilter
objQueue.Formatter = New ActiveXMessageFormatter
AddHandler objQueue.PeekCompleted, AddressOf MessageFound
end main
Public Sub MessageFound(ByVal s As Object, ByVal args As PeekCompletedEventArgs)
Dim oQueue As MessageQueue
Dim oMessage As Message
' Retrieve the queue from which the message originated
oQueue = CType(s, MessageQueue)
oMessage = oQueue.EndPeek(args.AsyncResult)
If oMessage.LookupId <> lastid Then
' Process the message here
lastid = oMessage.LookupId
' let's write it out
End If
End Sub