我有一个 Qt 小部件,它应该只接受一个十六进制字符串作为输入。将输入字符限制为 非常简单[0-9A-Fa-f]
我希望00 11 22 33 44
现在显示行编辑,如果用户按退格键 3 次,然后我希望它显示00 11 22 3
class HexStringValidator : public QValidator {
HexStringValidator(QObject * parent) : QValidator(parent) {}
virtual void fixup(QString &input) const {
QString temp;
int index = 0;
// every 2 digits insert a space if they didn't explicitly type one
Q_FOREACH(QChar ch, input) {
if(std::isxdigit(ch.toAscii())) {
if(index != 0 && (index & 1) == 0) {
temp += ' ';
temp += ch.toUpper();
input = temp;
virtual State validate(QString &input, int &pos) const {
if(!input.isEmpty()) {
// TODO: can we detect if the char which was JUST deleted
// (if any was deleted) was a space? and special case this?
// as to not have the bug in this case?
const int char_pos = pos - input.left(pos).count(' ');
int chars = 0;
pos = 0;
while(chars != char_pos) {
if(input[pos] != ' ') {
// favor the right side of a space
if(input[pos] == ' ') {
return QValidator::Acceptable;
目前,这段代码的功能已经足够了,但我希望它能够按预期 100% 工作。显然,理想的做法是将十六进制字符串的显示与存储在QLineEdit
本质上,我希望有一个符合这个正则表达式的验证器:"[0-9A-Fa-f]( [0-9A-Fa-f])*"