我可以使用 RHEV 管理程序在 openstack 环境中管理和部署虚拟机吗?我有 4 个节点设置和 2 个计算节点,其中一个连接到 vCenter,我可以配置其他节点连接到 RHEV。?


1 回答 1


as far as I know RHEV integration with OpenStack is limited to networks, so no VM deployment is possible at the moment. You can use oVirt only for Neutron network management. You can import/create/delete networks on Neutron.

for more details see: https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Virtualization/3.4/html/Administration_Guide/chap-External_Providers.html

于 2015-01-09T12:38:10.167 回答