I want to create the following layout - an activity with a viewpager along with a tab that stays that the bottom of the activity to indicate which of the 4 fragments the user is in (and the selected tab gets highlighted by an 'active colour')
I've spent some time looking at various resources online to add this tab.
http://developer.android.com/training/implementing-navigation/lateral.html#tabs - this looked like it would work well until I found out that actionBar.setNavigationMode(ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_TABS);
is deprecated
I looked here however, it is the same solution (i.e. deprecated)
I looked here however, the PagerTitleStrip shows one tab (and partly the adjacent tabs) while I want to see all the tabs (there are no partially hidden tabs as in the picture)
Is there a tutorial that explains how to achieve this? It is one of the most basic UI elements, so I am hoping I am not finding the best solution