I have a chat that's setup as a UIViewController with a tableView added to it's view. This was working fine. I've since subclassed this viewController and added a childViewController as a header of the table:

- (void) createClassVideoView {

        CGRect rect = CGRectMake(0.0f,

        WSClassVideoController *classVideoController = [[WSClassVideoController alloc] initWithFrame:rect mainUser:[[WSConversationManager shared] teacherObject] secondaryUsers:[[WSConversationManager shared] students]];
        [self addChildViewController:classVideoController];
        [self.view addSubview:classVideoController.view];
        [classVideoController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
        self.classVideoController = classVideoController;


It's not set as the actual tableHeaderView. It's just added as a childViewController to the subclass of the chat view controller, and I've just reset the frame of the tableView to accomodate it. This "header view" works fine and receives touches.

However, it's since disabled the superclass tableView's touches. The tableView displays, but I can't scroll it and tapping the UITextField does nothing.


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