I'm trying to clone git repository from our teamforge server in node.js using library nodegit (version 0.2.4) and ssh. Our server requests authentication from user and when I was trying to use only clone method without passing options I was getting error: "Callback failed to initialize SSH credentials".

I have private and public key in files private.key and public.key. They're in directory which I have set to working directory in web storm, so location shouldn't be a problem.

Didn't find example how to do it (maybe I missed it), but below code is the closest which I got:

'use strict';

var nodegit = require("nodegit"),
Clone = nodegit.Clone,
cred = nodegit.Cred;

var options = {
    remoteCallbacks: {
        credentials: function () {
            return cred.sshKeyNew('user', 'public.key', 'private.key', '');

Clone.clone("ssh://user@teamforgeserver.net/reponame", "localTmp", options)
  .then(function(repo) {
        var r = repo;
        var e = err;

I'm getting this error:

TypeError: Object #<Object> has no method 'isFulfilled' at value

Do you have hint what could be wrong or how to do it in general?


1 回答 1


This is a bug with creating a new ssh key. I've created an issue here to track it.

In the meantime if you have an SSH agent running you can get the credentials from that.

'use strict';

var nodegit = require("nodegit"),
Clone = nodegit.Clone,
cred = nodegit.Cred;

var options = {
    fetchOpts: {
        remoteCallbacks: {
            credentials: function (url, userName) {
                // this is changed from sshKeyNew to sshKeyFromAgent
                return cred.sshKeyFromAgent(userName);

Clone.clone("ssh://user@teamforgeserver.net/reponame", "localTmp", options)
  .then(function(repo) {
        var r = repo;
        var e = err;

That works for me in v0.2.4. If you need more realtime support feel free to come chat with us over in our gitter channel.

UPDATE: I just added a fix for this on Pull Request #334. After tests pass I'll put this on master and then the code in the question should work fine.

于 2015-01-05T21:21:47.743 回答