I've got 3 files for eclipse code templates:

2 xml files, which have templates related to company information and author name, which are used when you create a java file

1 .epf file - eclipse preference file

I'm trying to use these templates by going to windows->preferences->java->editor->templates->import

But this is not helping. How do I apply these template files- xml and epf both?

Help appreciated.

Thanks !


1 回答 1


在这里,我假设您正在尝试导入 java 模板

  • 如果 xml 文件以“代码模板”开头,<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?><templates> 则位置:Windows -> 首选项 -> Java -> 代码样式 -> 代码模板

  • 如果 xml 文件以

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<profiles version="12">
<profile kind="CodeFormatterProfile"


位置:Windows -> 首选项 -> Java -> 代码样式 -> 格式化程序

  • 如果 xml 文件以
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<profiles version="2">
<profile kind="CleanUpProfile"

位置:Windows -> 首选项 -> Java -> 代码样式 -> 清理

  • 对于 .epf 文件,选择 File -> Import -> General -> Preferences(现在选择文件)并按照步骤操作。
于 2014-12-19T08:12:31.537 回答