I read how current master election algorithms like Raft, Paxos or Zab elect master on a cluster and couldn't understand why they use sophisticated algorithms instead of simple bully algorithm.
I'm developing a cluster library and use UDP Multicast for heartbeat messages. Each node joins a multicast address and also send datagram packets periodically to that address. If the nodes find out there is a new node that sends packets to this multicast address, the node is simply added to cluster and similarly when the nodes in the cluster don't get any package from a node, they remove it from the cluster. When I need to choose a master node, I simply iterate over the nodes in the cluster and choose the oldest one.
I read some articles that implies this approach is not effective and more sophisticated algorithms like Paxos should be used in order to elect a master or detect failures via heartbeat messages. I couldn't understand why Paxos is better for split-brain scenarios or other network failures than traditional bully algorithm because I can easily find out when quorum of nodes leave from the cluster without using Raft. The only benefit I see is the count of packets that each server have to handle; only master sends heartbeat messages in Raft while in this case each node has to send heartbeat message to each other. However I don't think this is a problem since I can simply implement similar heartbeat algorithm without changing my master election algorithm.
Can someone elaborate on that?