I am fairly advanced with my LOTRO scripting, but sadly, have not figured out a way to capture data from the chatbox. I am trying to write an external mapping application and would like to have autohotkey automatically grab data from the screen, particularly the location data that has the heading, by typing:
inside of the chat box.
This image is linked to imgur with the areas I am trying to capture highlighted.
I find it very odd as I can highlight the text in the window easily, and copy and paste it to notepad or any other wordpad editor.
I have tried to following methods to attempt to gather the text from the window, but I cannot seem to find any controls or text, even when running the script as administrator.
WinGet, cList, ControlList, A
Loop, Parse, cList, `n, `r
ControlGetText, cText, % A_LoopField, A
if cText
res.="Control: " A_LoopField "`tText: " cText "`n"
MsgBox % res
WinGetText, text ; The window found above will be used.
MsgBox, The text is:`n%text%
Any ideas?