我如何在目标 C 的 Google 地图上放置 Foursquare 场地。我在 php 和 c/java 中找到了源代码,但是如何将这个模块嵌入到我的代码中。是否存在任何方法可以使其在 ios app 的目标 c 中实现?
我如何在目标 C 的 Google 地图上放置 Foursquare 场地。我在 php 和 c/java 中找到了源代码,但是如何将这个模块嵌入到我的代码中。是否存在任何方法可以使其在 ios app 的目标 c 中实现?
First of all it is recommended for you to use one of the SDKs. After you successfully added a FourSquare iOS SDK to your project, you can send some queries to get some venues. For example, you can call userGetVenueHistory method to get history of user's. Of course you need user to login with your application first for this case. However, after you get some venues you will have coordinates of the venues.
Then you need to add Google Maps iOS SDK to your project. After all as it is exposed in the Google Maps iOS SDK page, you can create some markers as follows:
GMSMarker *marker = [[GMSMarker alloc] init];
marker.position = CLLocationCoordinate2DMake(41.887, -87.622);
marker.appearAnimation = kGMSMarkerAnimationPop;
marker.icon = [UIImage imageNamed:@"flag_icon"];
//I assume you created the map.
marker.map = mapView;
I strongly recommend you to have a look on the example projects on Github, Github.
Good Luck.