Normally, in opencv with c++ , there is no problems w.r.t set parameters,
but in android-opencv I can't achieve info about this.
Anybody could help me about this problem?
Normally, in opencv with c++ , there is no problems w.r.t set parameters,
but in android-opencv I can't achieve info about this.
Anybody could help me about this problem?
您可以加载包含参数的外部文件。例如,首先创建一个带有参数的 .yml 文件。
scaleFactor: 1.1
nLevels: 5
firstLevel: 0
edgeThreshold: 31
patchSize: 31
然后,一旦您创建了 ORB 特征检测器的实例,您将能够读取 .yml 文件的参数,如下所示:
FeatureDetector detector = FeatureDetector.create(FeatureDetector.ORB);"your_path_to_yml_file");