248 次
2 回答
我同意 Pascal,如果来自 EJB1 的两个调用在同一个事务中,那么很明显 (2) 看不到 (1) 执行的更改,因为它们是在另一个事务中执行的(当然,假设是合理的事务隔离级别)
1. EJB1 transaction (TX1) starts
2. EJB1.(1) called
3. EJB2.update row started => TX1 is suspended and
a new transaction, TX2, is started
4. The update is performed
5. TX2 commits
6. TX1 is resumed - it can't see changes by TX2 because it's isolated from
changes performed by other transactions during its "life"
7. EJB1.(2) invokes EJB2.find row withing the context of TX1 => can't see TX2's changes
8. TX1 commits
于 2010-05-03T21:57:05.473 回答
我不确定您是否提供了所有上下文,但如果 (1) 和 (2) 在同一个事务中运行,我会说该实体位于 L1 缓存中,这就是问题所暗示的,并且在“更新行”是不可见的,因为它们是在另一个持久性上下文(嵌套事务)中完成的,因此需要refresh
于 2010-05-01T01:12:11.650 回答