我正在使用此 php 脚本从此处记录的简单搜索查询中获取结果
$rets_login_url = "http://sef.rets.interealty.com/Login.asmx/Login";
$rets_username = "xxxxxxxx";
$rets_password = "xxxxxxxx";
$rets_user_agent = "PHRETS/1.0";
$rets_user_agent_password = "xxxxxxx";
// start rets connection
$rets = new phRETS;
// Uncomment and change the following if you're connecting
// to a server that supports a version other than RETS 1.5
$rets->AddHeader("RETS-Version", "RETS/1.5");
$rets->AddHeader("User-Agent", $rets_user_agent);
echo "+ Connecting to {$rets_login_url} as {$rets_username}<br>\n";
$connect = $rets->Connect($rets_login_url, $rets_username, $rets_password, $rets_user_agent_password);
// check for errors
if ($connect) {
echo " + Connected<br>\n";
else {
echo " + Not connected:<br>\n";
$search = $rets->SearchQuery("Property","ResidentialProperty","(ListDate=1990-01-01+)");
while ($listing = $rets->FetchRow($search)) {
echo "Address: {$listing['StreetNumber']} {$listing['StreetName']}, ";
echo "{$listing['City']}, ";
echo "{$listing['State']} {$listing['ZipCode']} listed for ";
echo "\$".number_format($listing['ListPrice'])."\n";
echo "+ Disconnecting<br>\n";
我的 RETS 服务器信息在这里:
RETS 服务器:SEF RETS 系统 RETS 系统 ID:SEFRETS 登录 URL: http ://sef.rets.interealty.com:80/Login.asmx/Login RETS 版本:1.5 服务器软件:Microsoft-IIS/6.0
我也无法理解什么是$rets_modtimestamp_field = "LIST_87";
请帮我。我需要一些关于如何从 RETS 获取数据的建议。