我正在尝试在 Adobe LiveCycle ES4 版本 中将 IFD 转换为 XDP。我的一些表格在 LCD 中打开时可以毫无问题地转换。但是,其他表单会在日志中生成以下错误:
Msg#:101 Preamble Warning: Not all custom preamble information has been converted. 7 entries have been dropped (*).
Msg#:101 Preamble - ^comment ************************************************************************************
Msg#:101 Preamble - ^comment * NOTE. Because the custom properties JFPREAMBLE_n
Msg#:101 Preamble - ^comment * will be overwritten when you compile you should
Msg#:101 Preamble - ^comment * apply your preamble overrides to the JFPREAMBLE
Msg#:101 Preamble - ^comment * custom property following the reference to the
Msg#:101 Preamble - ^comment * ^FILE DOCVAR:JFPREAMBLE_1 DICTIONARY below.
Msg#:101 Preamble - ^comment ************************************************************************************
Msg#:101 Preamble - ^comment * Preamble overrides...
Msg#:101 Preamble * ^define group:D_NVRA_PAGE_1!OnBOF @group:SWITCHPAGE.\field$POSITION.
Msg#:101 Preamble * ^define group:D_NVRA_PAGE_2!OnBOF @group:SWITCHPAGE.\field$POSITION.
Msg#:101 Preamble * ^define group:D_NVRA_PAGE_3!OnBOF @group:SWITCHPAGE.\field$POSITION.
Msg#:101 Preamble * ^define group:D_NVRA_PAGE_4!OnBOF @group:SWITCHPAGE.\field$POSITION.
Msg#:101 Preamble * ^define group:D_NVRA_PAGE_5!OnBOF @group:SWITCHPAGE.\field$POSITION.
Msg#:101 Preamble * ^define group:D_NVRA_PAGE_6!OnBOF @group:SWITCHPAGE.\field$POSITION.
Msg#:101 Preamble * ^define group:JFEndData!EndData @(If(@(Mod (@$Page.,2))==1,"@group:SWITCHPAGE.","")).
Msg#:101 Preamble Conversion from IFD to XDP is complete.
当我转到“预览 PDF”时,表格只显示一个空白页。一般来说,我对 PDF 和 LC 很陌生,所以我不知道从哪里开始解决这个问题。如果这是重复的帖子,我深表歉意。任何帮助/指针将不胜感激!