I want my motd to make a nice overview of my system status. ATM I'm trying to check if a deamon is running or not and color it accordingly to it's status.
So normally you would enter deamon_name status
and it outputs something like Deamon_name running / not running
I got it to the point where I check if the Not
is contained or not. That worked.
but then I noticed, that when I actually login and trigger the MOTD, I get some wrong information, I then noticed that I need to use dash
and not bash or shell.
And now my compare funtion does'nt work anymore.
if [[ $Server_name =~ .*Not.* ]]
printf "NOT RUNNING";
printf "RUNNING";
This is my compare function and the check (later I want to add colors red/green)
$Server_name Not running.
or running