我正在为 ListView 使用自定义适配器。基本上它输入三个东西,两个文本视图和一个RelativeLayout。RelativeLayout 用于显示一个颜色块。以前我在下面使用相同的代码,但没有 ViewHolder 的东西,只是使用 findViewById() 从 getView() 方法调用所有内容。这非常有效。我改用 ViewHolder 来加快速度,突然颜色块没有显示。我得到的只是所有文本,因为它应该有一个白色块,颜色块应该是(这很有趣,因为 RelativeLayout 背景的默认颜色设置是黑色)。
public class colorlibListViewAdapterClass extends ArrayAdapter<String>
//Context storage. Will be populate from creation call in display class
private final Context context;
//Class location to store array of HEX values - populate from class call.
private final String[] values;
public Typeface typeface;
public Typeface typefaceSecond;
static class ViewHolder
public TextView textView;
public TextView rgbText;
public RelativeLayout colorBlock;
public colorlibListViewAdapterClass(Context context, String[] values)
//R.layout.rowlayout is the custom look for the row. Stored in layout folder
super(context, R.layout.rowlayout, values);
this.context = context;
this.values = values;
typeface = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), "fonts/cabinbold.otf");
typefaceSecond = Typeface.createFromAsset(context.getAssets(), "fonts/cabinregular.otf");
public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)
View rows = convertView;
if (rows == null)
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) context
rows = inflater.inflate(R.layout.rowlayout, null);
// configure view holder
ViewHolder viewHolder = new ViewHolder();
viewHolder.textView = (TextView) rows.findViewById(R.id.title);
viewHolder.rgbText = (TextView) rows.findViewById(R.id.rbgText);
viewHolder.colorBlock = (RelativeLayout) rows.findViewById(R.id.colorBlock);
//Prepare the inflation service.
ViewHolder holder = (ViewHolder) rows.getTag();
//Create variables to reference the items on the Listview.
//The ImageView is the background used to set colour and TextView is used to display HEX code.
//Set custom font to the HEX Textview
//Set Custom font to the RGB TextView
//Create instance of libraryClass
libraryClass colorLib = new libraryClass();
//Variable for getting HSV
float[] hsvReturn;
//Get HSV - Returned as array h,s,v
hsvReturn = colorLib.getHSV(Integer.parseInt(values[position], 16)+0xFF000000);
//Create and initialize integer variable for conversion
int[] hsvInt = {0,0,0};
//Round off to get rid of excess and conver to percentage rather than 0.*
hsvReturn[0] = Math.round(hsvReturn[0]);
hsvReturn[1] = Math.round(hsvReturn[1] * 100);
hsvReturn[2] = Math.round(hsvReturn[2] * 100);
//Cast to int
hsvInt[0] = (int)hsvReturn[0];
hsvInt[1] = (int)hsvReturn[1];
hsvInt[2] = (int)hsvReturn[2];
//Variable to display
String hsvDisplay;
//Construct display
hsvDisplay = Integer.toString(hsvInt[0]) + (char) 0x00B0 + " , " + Integer.toString(hsvInt[1]) + "% , " + Integer.toString(hsvInt[2]) + "%";
//Set display
//Set RGB TextView
//Set the HEX color code name to the textview on the listview
//Set background to defined colour. parseInt(values[position], 16)+0xFF000000) tells us it's a HEX colour without hash
holder.colorBlock.setBackgroundColor(Integer.parseInt(values[position], 16) + 0xFF000000);
//Text color should be ABB7B7 if sat < 14.5 and brightness > 98
return rows;