<div style="display: table; position: absolute;
width: 25%; height: 80%; min-height: 80%; max-height: 80%;
left: 0%; top: 10%; right: 75%; bottom: 10%; border: solid 1px black;">
<div style="display: table-row;">
<div style="display: table-cell; border: solid 1px blue;">
{Some dynamic text content}<br/>
This cell should shrink to fit its contents.
<div style="display: table-row;">
<div style="display: table-cell; border: solid 1px red;
overflow: scroll;">
This should only take up the remainder of the table's vertical space.
This should only take up the remainder of the table's vertical space.
This should only take up the remainder of the table's vertical space.
This should only take up the remainder of the table's vertical space.
This should only take up the remainder of the table's vertical space.
This should only take up the remainder of the table's vertical space.
This should only take up the remainder of the table's vertical space.
This should only take up the remainder of the table's vertical space.
如果您打开此代码(在 IE8 中,在我的例子中),您会注意到第二个单元格在浏览器最大化时非常适合表格。理论上,当您缩小浏览器(也强制表格缩小)时,当表格变得太小而无法容纳所有内容时,垂直滚动条应该出现在第二个单元格内。但实际上,表格只是垂直增长,超出了 CSSheight