I wrote a small Frontend Plugin "Text+Image+Link". If my editor choose a file link or an external Link, he also assign to open the target in a new window: _blank
In my Fluid-Tempalte I wrote
<f:link.page pageUid="{txtTarget}" class="btn btn-default">{txtLink}</f:link.page>
But there's no support to the link target, here's the output:
<a class="btn btn-default" href="http://kbs2015.com">Read more</a>
There's no target-attribute, but I chose it at Link Wizard (flexform): target:_blank !?
I try it like this:
<f:format.html><link {txtTarget}>{txtLink}</link></f:format.html>
There's the right link and target but no CLASS! Output:
<a href="http://kbs2015.com" target="_blank">Read more</a>
- How can I use target (from wizard) and two classes for a Link in FLUID? DO I need a new ViewHelper? I don't know? Can I solve my problem with Fluid?
Thanks for your help.
( TYPO3 6.2.8 )