I have created a promotion promoxyz with unilimited access and create coupon couponxyz which uses promoxyz, and gave it to user1 , he used it so promoxyz is saved in his active promotions as unlimited.

No after some time the business wanted the promoxyz to be limited to max use of "1", so the max number of uses is changed to "1" and published through BCC.

Now my question is why is the user1 is able to continue to use it as unlimited, Aparantly the updated promotion has no effect on user1. Is there a way to force the user1 promotions to point the latest setting in this case only once usage ?



2 回答 2


它不会受到影响,因为促销资产的最新更改是在 BCC 中完成的,即在发布服务器中。但是当用户 1 使用促销时,它会从生产服务器获取此促销副本。所以除非你有最新的副本在生产中。你看不到影响的变化。但你仍然可以走捷径。有两种方法

  1. 再次在生产服务器中部署您的促销版本。这是传统方式。
  2. 否则转到生产的 dyn 管理员,然后转到可声明的存储库/产品目录(您的促销存储库项目所在的位置)并使用

    <update-item item-descriptor="your promo item descriptor" id="your promo id">
          <set-property name="global"><![CDATA[false]]></set-property> <!-- Automatically apply to all orders -->
          <set-property name="giveToAnonymousProfiles"><![CDATA[false]]></set-property> <!-- Give to anonymous customers -->

并在您的 API 代码中将促销明确授予您想要的用户。

PromotionTools.grantPromotion("userId(not login id)", "promotionId");
于 2014-12-16T10:00:44.663 回答



于 2014-12-11T11:49:20.407 回答