I have a very strange comportment on my sybase-iq database.
I have 2 tables :
Table A : 47 000 000 rows
Table B : 497 rows
If I make the following query :
select count(*) from A
inner join B on A.ID = B.ID;
The result of the count is 5 661 188.
If I make the following query :
select * from A
inner join B on A.ID = B.ID;
The result is 0 row !
If I make the following query :
select A.field1 from A
inner join B on A.ID = B.ID;
The result is 5 661 188 rows.
select A.field2 from A
inner join B on A.ID = B.ID
The result is 0 row !
I execute these queries with Interactive SQL (Sybase Central).
I've tried also to execute these same queries with the ETL Talend, and i got same results as above.
Any ideas why we have these very strange results ?