I have a survey dataset which contains household ids and individual ids within each household: individual 1 represents the interviewee him/herself. Some variable represents each individual's relationship to the interviewee (for example, 2 for spouse, 3 for parents and so on), the data structure like the following
Now what I want to do is detect the occurrence of certain values in var1
and, if it occurs, whether the values of var1
and var2
satisfy a certain condition.
For example, if var1
and var2
(var1 == 3 & var2 == 1) | (var1 == 4 & var2 == 1)
then I can attach value 1 to a new generated variable, say var3
, for each individual in the same group (household in this case, to represent family structure) and 0 otherwise.
It seems not a big problem, and I suppose I should employ some
by group: egen
by group: gen
command, but I'm not sure. I used to apply commands like
gen l_w_p = 0
by hhid: replace l_w_p = 1 if (var1 == 3 & a2004 == 1) | (var2 == 4 & a2004 == 1)
by hhid: replace l_w_p = 2 if (var1 == 3 & a2004 == 2) & (var2 == 4 & a2004 == 2)
but it seems it doesn't work. Does that need some kind of loop?