我正在努力让 Squirrel SQL 连接到 MS Access 数据库(只是一个普通的,没有密码):

  • 我创建了一个别名并使用驱动程序:JBDC ODBC 桥(这个驱动程序前面有一个勾号)
  • 我不知道在 URL 中输入什么
  • -------- 我使用:数据库文件的路径 ~~> 不成功
  • -------- 我使用:jdbc:odbc:Path to database file ~~> 不成功
  • 我在 Windows 7 上运行它。



2 回答 2


Now that the JDBC-ODBC Bridge has been removed from Java 8 the previous answer to this question will become less relevant over time. The following method uses the UCanAccess JDBC driver so it will work with Java 8 and it will also work on non-Windows platforms.

First, make sure that you are using UCanAccess version 3.0.5 or later. Download the latest version of the UCanAccess driver (bin.zip file) and unzip it to a convenient location. For this example I unzipped it to



Note: When unzipping the distribution file be sure to specify "Keep directory structure" (or similar, depending on your unzip tool) so the folder structure appears as in the screenshot above.

Creating a Squirrel SQL "Driver" entry (one-time setup)

In Squirrel SQL, create a new "Driver" entry for UCanAccess


and specify the location of loader/ucanload.jar on the "Extra Class Path" pane


Note: Remember to enter net.ucanaccess.jdbc.UcanloadDriver as the "Class Name" (see above).

Creating a database "Alias" (one for each database)

To open a specific database, create a Squirrel SQL "Alias" entry, replacing the <path_to_database_file> placeholder with the actual path to the file


or, in Windows


Important: Make sure that the connection URL ends with ;showSchema=true.

于 2016-04-13T20:13:10.190 回答

我找到了解决方案。将以下字符串放入 URL:

(假设您的数据库文件的路径是 D:\DBs\DatabaseFile.mdb)

jdbc:odbc:Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};Dbq=D:\DBs\DatabaseFile.mdb
于 2014-12-10T23:05:40.423 回答