我的应用程序需要将客户当前年龄调整 +0.5,如果自他们上一个生日以来已经 6 个月。
代码应该是这样的,但是 6 个月内会有多少滴答声?
if (DateTime.Today - dateOfBirth.Date > new TimeSpan(6))
adjust = 0.5M;
adjust = 0M;
编辑:你知道吗,实际上?既然你真正需要的只是将用户的年龄显示在 6 个月内,那么这就是你真正应该做的。
static decimal GetApproximateAge(DateTime dateOfBirth) {
TimeSpan age = DateTime.Now - dateOfBirth;
/* a note on the line below:
* treating 182.5 days as equivalent to 6 months,
* reasoning that this will provide acceptable accuracy
* for ages below ~360 years
* (result will be 1 day off for roughly every 4 years;
* for a calculation of half-years to be inaccurate
* would take 4 [years] * ~90 [days] = ~360)
// get age in units of 6 months
// desired behavior is not to add 0.5 until
// a full six months have elapsed since the user's last birthday --
// using Math.Floor to ensure this
double approxAgeInHalfYears = Math.Floor(age.TotalDays / 182.5);
// now convert this to years
// did it this way to restrict age to increments of 0.5
double approxAgeInYears = approxAgeInHalfYears * 0.5;
return Convert.ToDecimal(approxAgeInYears);
上面的代码包含一个大注释,解释了它自己的缺点,David 很有帮助地指出了这一点。
现在,这里还有另一种选择。这有点难看,因为它使用了循环;但它也更加坚如磐石,因为它使用了 DateTime.AddMonths 方法,该方法的优点是已经过 Microsoft 的测试和记录。
static decimal GetApproximateAge(DateTime dateOfBirth) {
DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
int birthYear = dateOfBirth.Year;
int lastYear = now.Year - 1;
// obviously, if the user's alive, he/she had a birthday last year;
// therefore he/she is at least this old
int minimumAgeInYears = lastYear - birthYear;
// now the question is: how much time has passed since then?
double actualAgeInYears = (double)minimumAgeInYears;
// for every six months that have elapsed since the user's birthday
// LAST year, add 0.5 to his/her age
DateTime birthDateLastYear = new DateTime(lastYear, 1, 1)
DateTime comparisonDate = birthDateLastYear
while (comparisonDate < now) {
actualAgeInYears += 0.5;
comparisonDate = comparisonDate.AddMonths(6);
return Convert.ToDecimal(actualAgeInYears);
DateTime lastBirthDay = GetLastBirthday(dateOfBirth);
if (DateTime.Today > lastBirthDay.AddMonths(6))
adjust = 0.5M;
adjust = 0M;
DateTime GetLastBirthday(DateTime dateOfBirth)
int currentYear = DateTime.Now.Year;
int birthMonth = dateOfBirth.Month;
int birthDay = dateOfBirth.Day;
// if user was born on Feb 29 and this year is NOT a leap year,
// we'll say the user's birthday this year falls on Feb 28
if (birthMonth == 2 && birthDay == 29 && !IsLeapYear(currentYear))
birthDay = 28;
DateTime birthdayThisYear = new DateTime(
if (DateTime.Today > birthdayThisYear)
return birthdayThisYear;
return birthdayThisYear.AddYears(-1);
bool IsLeapYear(int year) {
return year % 400 == 0 || (year % 4 == 0 && year % 100 != 0);
为什么不if (dateOfBirth.Date.AddMonths(6) < DateTime.Today)
long ticks = new DateTime(0).AddMonths(6).Ticks;
TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(ticks);
if (dateOfBirth.Date.AddMonths(6) < DateTime.Today)
age += 0.5;
DateTime displayDate = User.BirthDate; // User.BirthDate is a mock for however you get the birth date
if(DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-6) > displayDate)
// More than 6 Months have passed, so perform your logic to add .5 years
if (DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-6) > dateofBirth.Date)
dateOfBirth = dateOfBirth.AddMonths(6);
int daysDiff = DateTime.Now.DayOfYear - dayofBirth.DayOfYear;
if (daysDiff <0) daysDiff += 365;
double adjust = daysDiff > 365/2 ? 0.5 : 0.0;
DateTime today = DateTime.Today;
DateTime lastBirthday = dateOfBirth.Date.AddYears(today.Year - dateOfBirth.Year);
if (lastBirthday > today) lastBirthday = lastBirthday.AddYears(-1);
if (today > lastBirthday.AddMonths(6))
adjust = 0.5M;
adjust = 0M;