我有一个用于显示员工图片和姓名的自定义列表,我想在单击列表项时导航到下一个活动,在下一个活动中,我想从 Web 服务动态显示员工的详细信息!如何做到这一点,请给出一些想法或链接?



1 回答 1


That's a very broad question which will take a long time to answer. There are a few ways you could do it, but hopefully this short answer will help and at least point you in a direction.

I'm guessing you already have an adapter with a list of all employees (List or whatever) powering your listview. You should create a public method in your adapter to take in the position, and return a unique id referencing your employee. Note a unique id is not necessarily the same as the position of the item.

Here's a crude example:

public int getUniqueId(int position){
    Employee employee = mAllItems.get(position);

    if(employee != null){
        return employee.getUniqueId();
    //Couldn't find
    return 0;

Then implement an onItemClickListener on your listview. The method can then call the adapter to retrieve a unique id. This unique ID is what you would pass via intent to your new activity. Your new activity will lookup the employee details and display them.

public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, int position, long id) {
    int uniqueId = mAdapter.getUniqueId(position);

    if(uniqueId > 0) {
        Intent i = new Intent(this, ActivityEmployeeDetails.class);
        i.putExtra(ActivityEmployeeDetails.TAG_UNIQUE_ID, uniqueId);

Hope this helps.

于 2014-12-09T13:13:22.750 回答