From the developer guide of Content Providers:
Android itself includes content providers that manage data such as audio, video, images, and personal contact information.
From the developer guide of Content Provider Basics:
one of the built-in providers in the Android platform is the user dictionary, which stores the spellings of non-standard words that the user wants to keep.
From the Javadoc of ContentProvider:
Known Direct Subclasses DocumentsProvider, FileProvider, MockContentProvider, SearchRecentSuggestionsProvider
From the API documentation of UserDictionary.Words:-
java.lang.Object ↳ android.provider.UserDictionary.Words
They are saying that Android Platform comes with some built-in content providers. Then say that Android platform has a built-in provider user dictionary. Secondly, if we implement our own content provider, even then we subclass ContentProvider class, right?
So why doesn't UserDictionary.Words content provider extent the ContentProvider class?