更新到 Google Play Services 6.5.87 后,由于缺少 LocationCLient 类,我的应用程序无法编译。
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更新到 Google Play Services 6.5.87 后,由于缺少 LocationCLient 类,我的应用程序无法编译。
文档链接目前 已损坏(404 Not Found)
LocationClient 类已被新的FusedLocationProviderApi和GeofencingApi 替换,它们都使用通用的GoogleApiClient连接技术来连接到 Google Play 服务。连接后,您可以调用requestLocationUpdates()等方法:
LocationRequest locationRequest = LocationRequest.create()
PendingResult<Status> result = LocationServices.FusedLocationApi
googleApiClient, // your connected GoogleApiClient
locationRequest, // a request to receive a new location
locationListener); // the listener which will receive updated locations
// Callback is asynchronous. Use await() on a background thread or listen for
// the ResultCallback
result.setResultCallback(new ResultCallback<Status>() {
void onResult(Status status) {
if (status.isSuccess()) {
// Successfully registered
} else if (status.hasResolution()) {
// Google provides a way to fix the issue
activity, // your current activity used to receive the result
RESULT_CODE); // the result code you'll look for in your
// onActivityResult method to retry registering
} else {
// No recovery. Weep softly or inform the user.
Log.e(TAG, "Registering failed: " + status.getStatusMessage());