当我使用 Django 的注销功能注销经过身份验证的用户时,它将语言环境切换为 en_US,这是默认设置。

from django.contrib.auth import logout

def someview(request):
    return HttpResponseRedirect('/')



3 回答 3


我通过将 django.contrib.auth.views.logout 包装在自定义视图中并在注销后重置会话语言来解决问题。有一些代码。

我有一个名为 login 的应用程序,带有以下 urls.py:

# myproject/login/urls.py
from django.conf.urls.defaults import patterns

urlpatterns = patterns('myproject.login.views',
    (r'^logout/$', 'logoutAction'),

所以现在 URL /logout/ 在 vi​​ews.py 中调用了一个名为 logoutAction 的视图。在 logoutAction 中,旧语言代码被临时存储,并在调用 Django 的 contrib.auth.views.logout 后插入回会话中。

# myproject/login/views.py
from django.contrib.auth.views import logout as auth_logout

def logoutAction(request):
    # Django auth logout erases all session data, including the user's
    # current language. So from the user's point of view, the change is
    # somewhat odd when he/she arrives to next page. Lets try to fix this.

    # Store the session language temporarily if the language data exists.
    # Its possible that it doesn't, for example if session middleware is
    # not used. Define language variable and reset to None so it can be
    # tested later even if session has not django_language.
    language = None
    if hasattr(request, 'session'):
        if 'django_language' in request.session:
            language = request.session['django_language']

    # Do logout. This erases session data, including the locale language and
    # returns HttpResponseRedirect to the login page. In this case the login
    # page is located at '/'
    response = auth_logout(request, next_page='/')

    # Preserve the session language by setting it again. The language might
    # be None and if so, do nothing special.
    if language:
        request.session['django_language'] = language

    # Now user is happy.
    return response

LAN Quake 问题结束 :)

于 2012-01-27T22:12:35.743 回答

您可以尝试在用户注销时显式设置语言 cookie,在djangodocs中有一些关于 django 如何确定语言设置的内容。

我会假设语言设置在注销时会保留为会话值,如果 django 在注销用户时完全破坏会话,则可能需要重新初始化。

于 2010-04-29T08:40:02.723 回答

您可以创建一个 UserProfile 模型(对用户具有唯一的外键)并在那里保存用户的语言首选项(以及任何其他额外的用户特定设置)。然后在每次用户登录时,可以将语言环境设置为保存在用户的 UserProfile 中的语言代码。

Django 有一个设置 AUTH_PROFILE_MODULE,您可以在其中将模型设置为 django.contrib.auth 的“官方”用户配置文件模型

于 2010-04-29T08:17:18.433 回答