
I'm trying to configure a nginad server, but the documentation says it needs a CentOS machine.

Has anyone tried to install it on Ubuntu machine?



2 回答 2


I have not but if you need any information while trying to install it you could click on the support tab on the right side of the official website at http://www.nginad.com

No CentOS specific packages or code is actaully used by NginAd as NginAd is a 100% pure PHP application which runs on multiple PHP runtimes on multiple platforms.

The installation process requires nginx, php-fpm, MySQL and apc which are all available on Ubuntu as well as CentOS.

于 2015-01-10T00:34:19.747 回答



  • 下载 Nginad

    git 克隆 nginad 并将“上传”文件夹放在您的 Web 服务器的 Web 文件夹下。

  • 在上传文件夹中安装依赖项,调用 composer.phar self-update composer.phar install

  • 删除 config/autoload 下 php 文件的“.dist” cd config/autoload cp database.local.php.dist database.local.php cp delivery.local.php.dist delivery.local.php cp email.local.php.dist email.local.php cp rtb.config.local.php.dist rtb.config.local.php
  • 配置数据库连接配置

    请只做链接中的数据库相关部分。它创建了 nginad 所需的所有表。


    我所做的是: mysql -u root -p //login mysql create database nginad; grant usage on *.* to nginad@`%` identified by 'password'; grant all privileges on nginad.* to nginad@`%` ; flush privileges; quit;        

    //nginad.sql is the sql download from the nginad website mysql -u nginad -p nginad < nginad.sql

    最后,配置你的 nginad 连接文件(/config/autoload/database.local.php) $dbParams = array( 'dbname' => 'nginad', 'user' => 'root', 'pass' => '', 'host' => 'localhost', );

  • 为了使您的广告请求正常工作,您还应该更改请求域,请参阅 public/ad/nginad.js 文件。修改第一行: var adserver_domain = "" 将 adserver_domain 设置为您的 nginad 服务器。

  • 关于 admin 密码,nginad 有一个初始的 admin 帐号,但是我不知道密码。所以我刚刚修改了sql数据库......(现在它有关于初始帐户的文档,但我不记得网址......)

于 2016-08-19T03:11:15.787 回答