i am developing a android application using AWS's RDS and AWS Cognito service. so my question is there any way that i can connect the RDS with Cognito? please help.
1118 次
1 回答
I think there are two possible questions here so I'll answer them both.
- If the question is, can I access RDS from a Cognito authed app:
RDS does not use AWS credentials for authentication, it uses database credentials. Cognito only vends credentials for AWS services, so you cannot use Cognito credentials to access an RDS database.
- If the question is, can I link RDS to Cognito so I can query, manipulate or analyze your end users' datasets:
All access to users' datasets is done through Cognito. There is no export or link feature that allows you to use RDS.
于 2014-12-07T17:46:57.617 回答