我对 Windows Phone 8 应用程序开发真的很陌生。如果您能回答我的问题,我将不胜感激。我有一台配备 Intel(R) Core(TM) i3 处理器的机器,检查后我发现我的虚拟化设置已启用。我在我的机器上安装了 Windows Pro 8.1,然后它表明我的 Hyper Visor 默认关闭,我必须运行它。但是当我通过重新启动机器进行一些更改后运行它时,突然由于某种未知原因它撤消了所有更改,最终使机器没有运行 Hyper Visor。当我要运行 Windows Phone 模拟器来测试 Windows Phone 8 应用程序时,我遇到了相同的过程。我希望大家都清楚我的问题,有人可以帮我解决这个问题或告诉我这背后的确切原因吗?


1 回答 1


I would look at my Windows Event log and see if you perhaps there's a problem with Hyper-V being incompatible with a driver or something like that. It may be failing to reboot and the doing a system restore to get the machine back to a bootable state (by rolling back Hyper-V). I've had problems with Hyper-V and my HP laptop's blue tooth drivers:

Here's the thread where I found out about that:

HP Bluetooth / Hyper-V woes

Updating the driver to the newest version on HP's site fixed my computer for a while, but then I had problems with Windows Update hosing my machine with an update to the Bluetooth driver.

I seem to have fixed it for good by going to RA Link's website and downloading a version of the driver that's newer than the one on HP's website. I'm not at my personal computer right now, but if you'd like I can see if I can find the driver version that seems to have fixed my Bluetooth/hyper-v problems for good.


于 2014-12-05T20:41:22.377 回答