-- this function selects polygons assigned to mat and assigns a matid of count
    -- mat is the mat to select the polys by and count is the mat id to assign to the polys

    function assignMatId mat count = (

        -- set the mat into meditMaterials in the second slot
        meditMaterials[2] = mat

        -- set the second slot to the active one
        medit.SetActiveMtlSlot 2 true

        -- select the polys assigned to mat
        objarr = for obj in objects where obj.material == meditMaterials[medit.getActiveMtlSlot()] collect o

        --assign selected polys a matid of count
             --.. still writing this code


我将如何给选定的材料(meditMaterials 中的 activeSlot)选择所有具有该材料的多边形。材质可能分配给多个对象,因此它也需要选择到其他可编辑的多边形对象中。



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function assignMatId mat count = (

    --collect all of our objects that are editable polys
    objs = for x in $* where classOf x == PolyMeshObject collect x

    -- collect all of our objects where the material is the same as the mat
    objarr = for obj in objs where obj.material ==  mat collect obj 

    -- go through and assign the correct mat id
    for obj in objarr do polyop.setFaceMatID obj #{1..obj.numfaces} count



于 2014-12-05T19:16:41.433 回答