

import java.math.*; import java.rmi.*;
    public interface Payment extends Remote{
    public void purchase(PaymentVO payInfo, BigDecimal price)
        throws PaymentException, RemoteException; }


    `public class PaymentException extends Exception{
    public PaymentException(String m){
    public PaymentException(String m, Throwable c){
        super(m, c);


    `import java.math.*;
     import java.net.*;
     import java.rmi.*;
     import java.rmi.server.*;
           public class PaymentImpl implements Payment{
           private static final String PAYMENT_SERVICE_NAME = "paymentService";

         public PaymentImpl() throws RemoteException, MalformedURLException{
    Naming.rebind(PAYMENT_SERVICE_NAME, this);
public void purchase(PaymentVO payInfo, BigDecimal price)
  throws PaymentException{



   import java.math.*;
public interface PaymentService{
    public void purchase(PaymentVO payInfo, BigDecimal price)
      throws PaymentException, ServiceUnavailableException;


    public class PaymentVO{


public class ServiceUnavailableException extends Exception{
public ServiceUnavailableException(String m){
public ServiceUnavailableException(String m, Throwable c){
    super(m, c);



1 回答 1


请参阅下面的代理设计模式的类图:http: //www.codeproject.com/Articles/186001/Proxy-Design-Pattern在此处输入图像描述

在您的问题中,您有一个付款界面,即“主题”。然后你就有了实现 Payment 接口的 PaymentImpl,这是“真正的主题”。但是,您在这里缺少“代理”。

您需要编写一个 PaymentProxy 类,该类也将实现 Payment 接口。此类将引用“Real Subject”(PaymentImpl)类型的对象作为私有字段,并将通过此“Real Subject”对象调用从“Subject”继承的方法。

例子 :

public class PaymentProxy implements Payment{

    private PaymentImpl realPayment;

    public PaymentProxy(){


    public void purchase(PaymentVO payInfo, BigDecimal price) throws PaymentException{
           realPayment = new PaymentImpl();
       realPayment.purchase(payInfo, price);

您可能会注意到 realPayment 是在使用代理设计模式时按需创建的。当对象创建成本很高时,这很有用。


public class Client{
   public static void main(String[] args){

      PaymentProxy paymentProxy = new PaymentProxy(); //note that the real proxy object is not yet created
      //... code for resolving payInfo and price as per the requirement
      paymentProxy.purchase(payInfo, price); //this is where the real payment object of type PaymentImpl is created and invoked



于 2014-12-05T05:55:34.623 回答