I have followed a couple different links that show how to package Firefox extensions. In cfx, my extension runs exactly how I want it. I made my install.rdf and zipped my files, changing the file type to xpi. When I install it in live Firefox, it shows up in my installed extensions, but nothing happens. I have also tried just using the base install.rdf that they post as a sample, but no luck. What am I missing here?

Here's one guide I've been working off of.


1 回答 1


您应该使用cfx xpi来打包您的插件,而不是您指向的文档。正如@Noitidart 指出的那样,有理由解开该xpi文件并重新打包它,这在上面的链接中有所提及。

有三种方法可以为 Firefox 制作扩展。当您使用附加 SDK(其中一种方式)时,请确保您正在阅读的所有文档都位于developer.mozilla.org/en-US/Add-ons/SDK/路径下。

请注意,Firefox 正在从迁移cfxjpm,因此除非您需要您的扩展很快在AMO上可用,否则您应该使用jpm.

于 2014-12-05T18:28:12.603 回答