I am trying to develop applet on Java Card that is going to be recognizable for Android. I know there is IsoDep class that allows to communicate with ADPU protocol. However I want it to be recognizable without installing any app on device and without flashing Android system.

With NFC tag using NDEF is quite easy to write into tag that is later automatically recognizable as contact, link etc, without installing any app on device. Is it possible to do the same using contactless Java Card with NDEF or in other way?


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在 Android 系统上通过 NFC 触发特定操作(例如打开 URL、传输联系人等)而不需要自定义应用程序的唯一方法是使用 NDEF 格式的数据。

因此,您需要在卡上创建一个实现 NFC 论坛类型 4 标记操作规范的小程序(您可以从NFC 论坛网站获取规范)。然后,您可以将 NDEF 消息嵌入到该小程序中。

您可以在 Java Card 中找到 NFC Forum Type 4 Tag 应用程序的实现:https ://github.com/slomo/ndef-javacard (我还没有测试过这个实现,所以我无法评论这个实现的效果如何.)

于 2014-12-05T10:03:10.607 回答