import numpy as np
from numpy import random
import statsmodels.api as sm
from scipy import stats
from scipy.stats import norm, truncnorm
### Create some simulated data ###
num_leg = 50
num_bills = 20
a = np.random.uniform(-1,1,num_bills).reshape(num_bills, 1)
b = np.random.uniform(-2,2,num_bills).reshape(num_bills, 1)
x = np.random.standard_normal(num_leg).reshape(num_leg, 1)
ystar_base = a + np.dot(b,x.T)
epsilon = np.random.standard_normal(num_leg * num_bills).reshape(num_bills, num_leg)
ystar = ystar_base + epsilon
y = 1*(ystar >0)
### Initialize some stuff I need ###
avec = [0]*num_bills # These are bill parameters
bvec = [0]*num_bills
betavec = [np.matrix(zip(avec,bvec))]
xvec = [0]*num_leg # these are legislator parameters
_ones = np.ones(num_leg)
def init_y(mat): # initialize a latent y matrix
if mat==1: return truncnorm.rvs(0,10000)
else: return truncnorm.rvs(-10000,0)
vectorize_y = np.vectorize(init_y)
latent_y = np.matrix(vectorize_y(y))
burn = 500 # How long to run the MCMC
runs = 500
### define the functions ###
def sample_params(xnow,ynow): # This is the function I'd like to vectorize
if type(xnow) == list:
xnow = np.array(xnow)
if type(ynow) == list:
ynow = np.array(ynow)
ynow = ynow.T #reshape(ynow.shape[0],1)
sigma = np.linalg.inv(np.dot(xnow.T,xnow)) ###This is the line that produces an error###
xy = np.dot(xnow.T,ynow)
mu = np.dot(sigma, xy) # this is just (x'x)inv x'y
return np.random.multivariate_normal(np.array(mu).flatten(), sigma)
vecparams = np.vectorize(sample_params)
def get_mu(xnow, bnow): # getting the updated mean to draw the latent ys
if type(xnow) == list:
xnow = np.array(xnow)
if type(bnow) == list:
bnow = np.array(bnow)
mu = np.dot(xnow,bnow.T)
mu = np.matrix(mu)
return mu
def sample_y(mu, ynow): # generate latent y matrix
if ynow==1:
a, b = (0 - mu),(10000-mu)
a, b = (-10000 - mu),(0-mu)
return truncnorm.rvs(a,b)
vector_sample = np.vectorize(sample_y) # I'd like to be able to do something like this
### Here's the MCMC loop with the internal loop over rows(bills)
for i in range(burn+runs):
this_beta = []
this_x = []
this_y = []
for j in range(num_bills): #I'd like to get rid of this loop
ex = zip(x_ones, x)
newbeta = sample_params(ex, latent_y[j])
#ex = np.array(zip(x_ones, x))
#this_beta = vecparams(ex, latent_y[:,]) # and call the vectorized function here
#Note, I can vectorize the latent outputs easily enough here
mean = get_mu(ex, betavec[-1])
latent_y = np.matrix(vector_sample(mean, np.matrix(y).T).T.reshape(latent_y.shape[0], latent_y.shape[1]))
### Now a bit of code to check to see if I've recovered what I want ###
test_beta = [zip(*(z)) for z in betavec[burn:]]
test_a = np.array([z[0] for z in test_beta])
test_b = np.array([z[1] for z in test_beta])
amean = test_a.sum(axis = 0)/float(runs)
bmean = test_b.sum(axis = 0)/float(runs)
print 'a mean'
print np.corrcoef([amean, np.array(a)])
print 'b mean'
print np.corrcoef([bmean, np.array(b)])
如果我注释掉循环并使用上面注释掉的行,我会在前面指出的行(定义 sigma 的行)处收到以下错误:
LinAlgError: 0-dimensional array given. Array must be at least two-dimensional