You are setting accessor => \@people
which shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what lexical_has
does. lexical_has
installs a coderef into that variable, so it ought to be a scalar.
So, once you have $people
as a scalar, which lexical_has
has installed a coderef into, then $self->$people()
or $self->$people
is a method call which returns an arrayref. Thus @{ $self->$people }
is the (non-ref) array itself, which you can use for push/pop/shift/unshift/grep/map/sort/foreach/etc.
Quick example:
use Moops;
class GuestList {
lexical_has people => (
isa => ArrayRef,
default => sub { [] },
reader => \(my $people),
lazy => 1,
method add_person (Str $name) {
push @{ $self->$people }, $name;
method announce () {
say for @{ $self->$people };
my $list = GuestList->new;
Output is:
Here is the equivalent code using a public attribute for people
use Moops;
class GuestList {
has people => (
is => 'ro',
isa => ArrayRef,
default => sub { [] },
lazy => 1,
method add_person (Str $name) {
push @{ $self->people }, $name;
method announce () {
say for @{ $self->people };
my $list = GuestList->new;