我对 php phalcon 和语言本身相当陌生。我正在制作一个涉及抽象类和派生类的网站。



abstract class UsersAbstract extends \Phalcon\Mvc\Model {

    private $Full_Name; //
    private $Mobile_Number; //
    private $Email_ID; //
    private $City; //
    private $Country;  //
    private $DoB; //
    private $Gender; //
    private $Age; //
    private $Availability_Flag;   /*value of flag is 1 for active and 0 for inactive*/

    /********setters and getters for all data members which I have not written here*******/

    public function getSource()
        return 'users_abstract';


class UserPatients extends UsersAbstract
    private $Patient_ID;
    private $Guardian_Name;
    private $Doctors = array();

    public function getSource()
        return 'user_patients';

    /***************setter and getter for patient id*******************/
    public function getPatientID()
        return $this->Patient_ID;
    public function setPatientID($value)
        $this->Patient_ID = $value;

    /****************setter and getter for guardian name******************/
    public function getGuardianName()
        return $this->Guardian_Name;
public function setGuardianName($value)
    $this->Guardian_Name = $value;

/****************getter and setter for doctor array*********************/
public function getDoctors()
    return $this->Doctors;

public function setDoctors($value)
    $this->Doctors = $value;

在我的控制器中,我正在从视图中的表单中读取数据。声明了 UserPatients 类的对象并设置了它的数据成员。这是我在控制器 PatientSignInController 中调用的操作方法:

public function SaveAction()
       if (!empty($_POST)){
            $patient_data = new UserPatients();

            $doctorsArray = array("ACD","ABC"); //some hard coded values for the time being

            $patient_medical_info = new PatientInfo();





我的数据库的结构与这些类相同 - 我有一个Users_Abstract包含抽象类所有属性的表,我有一个User_Patients包含子类所有属性的表。



我尝试通过将具有所有 12 个属性的一个表与类UsersAbstractUser_Patients. 即使这样也行不通。


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